GrangeCon8 2014
Scheduled Events
(subject to change
- its still early!)
Let the fun begin!
Con begins 4Pm
*Breakfast @ Eden Resort
*Book Group
*Gaming 2pm
*Bake-Off 6pm
*Some sort of contest
*Breakfast @ Eden Resort
*Gaming 2pm
*Late Nite Movies w/Bill
Attendees so far...
Paul C
John E
John K
Michael J
David R
GrangeCon8 will be held at the Eden Resort July 3 -July 5. We reserved one of the 2 floor Villas, located behind the outdoor pool. Barring any unforeseen problems we will have the same Villa that we had for GrangeCon7: 515. Our overflow suite will be right below the main suite, 516. There will be signs on the doors of all suites that are being used for GrangeCon. The Villas have a large communal space, and open stairway to the 2nd floor, and a full kitchen, which is convenient for the bake-off.
Location: Check this page for updates on the rooms we will be in. At this point, same rooms as last year, with the main location being Villa 515 and overflow in the suite right below. There will be GRANGECON8 signs on the doors.
Registration fee:
** Registration is $25 per person for the weekend or $10 per person for
a day. We do not accept credit cards. Cash or check only.
GrangeCon8 will begin on Thursday July 3 at 4pm and will end on Saturday at around midnight. Sunday morning will be cleaning and packing as check out is at noon.
Join us on Facebook! We have a Facebook page for GrangeCon as well as an event for GrangeCon8. If you join our page you will get updates via fb. If you would like updates via email please use the link below and send us your name and email address.
Bake Off/Friday evening - Let us know you want to enter! Check the link on the left for more info about the Bake-Off and to let us know what facilities you will need. Fun to enter, fun to eat, fun to win! If you are not entering a donation or bread or rolls might be handy.
The Entries
Just Fun Stuff
There will be the usual faux program book complete with puzzles.
We have a new version of TV Guess That Show Tunes, focusing on more recent TV.
A quotes puzzle promises to be hilarious and competitive.
Bill will host Late Night Obscure Films Saturday night in his suite.
Book Group Friday after breakfast. The book is Ancillary Justice by
Ancillary Justice, Ann Leckie
Gaming - Darths&Droids -
Based on: this tabletop game gives you a chance to see how much better you can do in their place!
1. Choose your favorite character from each of the following :
· prequel trilogy
· original trilogy
· expanded universe
2. Vote which version you want to play:
· prequel trilogy
· original trilogy
· expanded universe
3. Email your choices to
4. Sign up on the Darths&Droids Facebook event page.
Paul will create the characters for you so I do need you to sign up and answer the character questions by June 18th.
There are always movies, food, board games, food, video games, food, pool, food. Do you sense a repetitive theme here? The amount of food and drink on hand depends on you. Bring a bottle of soda, some veggies or fruit or cheese, a bag of chips, cookies, whatever. The more the merrier!