GrangeCon9.5 2016 - The Halloween Edition - Photos

Friday Evening

The Con Suite

The Bake-Off

Dinner at Garfield's Friday evening

Bill, David, Racheal, Bret, Steph

Steph, Jill, Rich, Pat

Friday evening: Rich, Jill, Pat

The Weeping Angel welcomes you!

The prizes for the Bake-Off


Getting Dale K. Fleet ready.

Was this DaleKFleet's last GrangeCon appearance?

The cake Steph ordered with the logo for Halloween.

Halloween decor

Bill went wild buying Halloween decorations

Bill and Bret had a ball decorating, including hanging the huge blanket that Bret brought.

Dale K Fleet greeting Co-Chair Cat who is wearing one of Dale's shirts.

Digging into the main course.

The winners: Nate & Cat

Sometime Sunday

Co-Chairs Cat & Bill in Halloween shirts.