GrangeCon11 2019
Scheduled Events
(subject to change
- its still early!)
Let the fun begin!
Con begins 4:00 ish
*Breakfast @ Eden Resort
($14.95 buffet)
*1pm Skiffy Surprise
*5pm - Bake Off
*8pm - Name That Tune
*Breakfast @ Eden Resort
($14.95 buffet)
*1pm - Costume Parade
* 4pm - Book Discussion
*Breakfast @ Eden Resort
($14.95 buffet)
*Clean up & close down
GrangeCon11 was held at the Eden Resort March 15-18. We were in a 2 bedroom Premier Suite on the 3rd floor of the main building, room 362 The Hershey Suite. We had a full kitchen, which is great for the Bake-Off.
GrangeCon11 began on Friday evening March 15 and ended Sunday evening March 17. Monday morning was just breakfast and packing up. We had 7 attendees staying over in the hotel and 5 who commuted in.
Friday evening was getting everything into the suite followed by dinner at Garfield's. Bret has succumed to the "plague" that is going around and was unable to make it so all decorating fell to Bill. He brought an alien, to stand in for Dale K Fleet who has met his demise, who was decked out in St. Paddy's day finery.
Saturday morning began with the usual breakfast buffet at Arthur's. Everyone was there including the "commuters".
After breakfast we all went up to the suite. During the day we played games, chatted, watched a slide show of Comicon, provided by Bill.
Anita, at the front desk, told Bill and I that there was one new member of the desk staff who had not seen the tiger. Paul obliged and suited up in the white tiger quad suite to visit the lobby. As always, he was a hit. The entire desk crew came out to get their photo taken with him, a guest filmed him, and several guests took their picture with him.
Book Group: The book for discussion is Warlock Holmes: A Study in Brimstone by G.S. Denning. Book group will be Sunday at 4pm in the hot tub or at one of the tables around the indoor pool. If you are attending book group but not the con please let us know ahead of time as the pool area is locked.
Bake Off:
Rich won the Frying Pan of Doom for his Jambalaya, which was excellent! Paul won the Spatula of Just Desserts for his very rich Crock Pot Hot Chocolate (with optional whipped cream and/or marshmallows). The prizes where decorated by Steph.
The Entries
The Bake-Off was followed by Name That Tune, hosted by Bill. We all did well on round one. Round two was a bit more of a challenge. The competition was spirited, with Nate and Steph steadily in the lead. They each won an SF/Fantasy themed calendar.
Just Fun Stuff:
There will be the usual faux program book complete with puzzles.
Bill usually hosts Late Night Obscure Films one or both nights in his suite.
Book Group: Warlock Holmes - A Study in Brimstone by G S Denning
Panels - or not
Gaming - TBA
There are always movies, food, board games, food, video games, food, pool, food. Do you sense a repetitive theme here? The amount of food and drink on hand depends on you. Bring a bottle of soda, some veggies or fruit or cheese, a bag of chips, cookies, whatever. The more the merrier!
Attendees so far...
John E
Email us at: