GrangeCon6 2012

2012 Photos


Bake Off

Scheduled Events

(subject to change)


Let the fun begin!

Con begins 4Pm


*Breakfast @ Eden Resort


*Gaming 2pm

*Bake-Off 6PM

*Name That Tune


*Breakfast @ Eden Resort


*Book Group Noon

In the pool w/milkshakes!

*Skiffy Surprise Scavenger




Paul C














John E


Michael O


Lon F


John K



GrangeCon6 was held at the Eden Resort June 29-July 1. We had Villa 515 again for the main con suite. Our overflow suite was right below the main suite this year. This was our first year offering a pre-pay option via PayPal on the web site. Since Deb was the first one to take advantage of this she received an award! Next spring we will re-activate the PayPal option for GrangeCon7.

As usual we had a number of new con goers this year, some driving in from quite a distance: Doug & Charles from the Chicago area and Rich, who attended in 2008, drove down from Canada. Rich might have returned sooner except that he was stationed in Africa. Not exactly a commutable distance! Cliff, a newbie this year, even entered the Bake-Off! Some of last year’s newbies seemed a lot more comfortable this year. John K was into everything this year and I’m hoping he’ll even try entering the Bake-Off next year!

Once again, in typical Schrödinger fashion, some events did not occur: the fireworks just did not happen and Quintet lacked enough players. There were fewer movies & videos running despite the equipment being hooked up and DVDs available. It looked like there might have been more interest in video games this year. Charles and Bret spent most of Friday playing through the Doctor Who PS3 game he brought.


GrangeCon6 began at 4pm. More people arrived on Friday afternoon and evening than ever before! Bret had a TARDIS to take the place of the green alien that sprang a leak last year. Dale K Fleet was back but we couldn’t locate his name tag (oops, I forgot to make one). The solar system was up and running. Paul wore his quad suit over to the lobby – trailed by several attendees – to entertain the children. It was like watching the Pied Piper at work!


… afternoon was Gaming.

Paul created a short D&D campaign based on the Star Wars universe, which was a hoot! Charles was the star as Jar Jar Binks with Nate a close second as Nute Gunray. Charles had the voice and personality down so well that I (as a very violent version of Qui-Gon Jinn ) tried hard to ditch him! We could have played for hours except that the Bake-Off demanded our attention.

… evening was the Bake-Off. We had two newbies to the competition: Deb & Cliff. This year was the first year we ran 2 divisions with 2 prizes. Cat won the Frying Pan of Doom and Rich won the Spatula of Just Desserts.

The Entries

… Name That Tune followed the Bake-Off. Bill had a new selection of movie sound clips for us to guess and Bret filled in with TV clips. There was a lot of just plain guessing! But neither Bill nor Bret seemed deterred by our lack of knowledge and we all enjoy the event.

SUNDAY… … afternoon was Punday and the Book Group.

Punday was run very informally, due to the trepidation of the contestants. Rich, Paul, John E, and Doug contributed some stellar one line puns but Pat led with stories that ended in puns. It was funny and silly but definitely needs some work.

The book group adjourned to the outdoor pool to discuss Firebird. We all ordered frozen drinks and sat on the edge of the pool. Since Guy was not going into the pool and had not read the book he got to read the questions. No one was particularly thrilled with the book.

There was yet another quad suit outing when the hotel desk manager asked Paul to come back to see her! There were fewer small children but bigger crowds.

There were the usual communal meals, in rotating groups, which seemed to work better than trying to do a group dinner out. GrangeCon has gotten too big for that!

Those of us who put GrangeCon together donate our time and money, foot the majority of the bill for the space, pay for all the little “perks” such as the faux program book, the badges, and the prizes, and bring our own equipment to hook up so everyone can enjoy movies & games. The attendees who take part in the Bake-Off donate their time, money, & enthusiasm to bring you the awesome dishes that go into competition – all for the sake of a frying pan or a spatula! We hope our efforts provided a weekend of fannish fun for you all!

See you next year!

Cat 8.2.12